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Stephan's Zettelkasten

👋 Welcome to my Knowledge Repository!

I chose to work with the zettelkasten method with the objective to build up knowledge and achieve personal projects (maybe one day someone will find it useful) and bring my thoughts into a structure that I can easily access and maintain. At the same time I wanted this to be easily accessible to others which is why I choose to host my personal zettelkasten on a website. My wiki uses this template which builds on top of foam.

Foam is a personal knowledge management and sharing system inspired by Roam Research, built on Visual Studio Code and GitHub.


On this site you will find all the notes / thoughts I document. If you are new to the zettelkasten methodology (I certainly am) you should start here. I am not using this wiki to account for progress, but pure documentation and linking of information gathered by me. Downloading thoughts in the format of a zettel is supposedly a great way to connect information and ultimately build knowledge from it. A zettel is the key currency and always reflects a single thought that I present to you in my own words.

Permanent notes don't have to be fully original thoughts. They can be, but they don't have to be. Often they are restatements of the thoughts of others.1

Unlike others I won't update this page daily. Instead, I will commit my zettel (one zettel, one commit) throughout each calendar week to publish on Sunday or Monday.

But how can I make it easy for you (in case you are interested in my thoughts?). Well first of all I think it's important to distinguish between my personal projects and surfing this wiki. Given that I end up with lots of zettel, I need a simple but effective way to commit thoughts in the right place.

I will use structured notes or zettel of zettel as entry points to my personal List of personal projects. I strongly believe that a second brain can help me achieve these more effectively. While these project come from a personal desire they may not be the best way to give externals access into my network of thoughts. Tags seem to be a much better entity to surface thoughts from across all my personal projects. The template of my wiki makes those easily accessible and you can find them on the left navigation bar.


There are many things I that might evolve from this. However, for now I want to focus on making the zettelkasten work for me. It's a new habit that I need to get accustomed to and this will take time. But I am excited to onboard on this journey.

  1. Zettelkasten Forum, Link↩


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Last updated on 2/16/2022