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202202161010 - Organizing ourselves to obtain goals depends on our executive function

  • Having a clear path planned for execution is more important then the goal itself. 202202071255 - Its necessary to identify goals to achieve, but even more important is to formulate a path towards it. As humans we self-regulate our action making use of our the execution function 1.
  • There are 3 abilities that form executive function that where mentioned in the bit of literature I read:
    1. Working Memory is our temporary note book to digest information.
    2. Flexible Thinking is the ability to deal with change with respect to our problem solving approach
    3. Inhibitory Control allows us to adapt our actions, beliefs to a given environment.
  • Good Executive function leads to less distraction (of which I have a lot) & lets us pivot if our initial plan does not succeed. 2
  • Executive function is developed since childhood and are a major factor for us to succeed in life. In adulthood tools like the zettelkasten methodolgy help us to strengthen our executive functions.
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Last updated on 6/3/2022