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202204291059 - Managing separation of concerns in the data domain will be solved on an organizational level.

  • Growing a data team in my role at OneFootball have put me in front of the exact problem that Bryan Offutt is describing.1
  • The more data team pick and use great concepts from the software engineering world. Data teams have never been richer in tools and capabilities to manage their stacks and this is thanks to the "engineering-ization".
  • Yet, seperation of concern is still one of the hardest for data teams to manage particularly on a metrics layer. Good example are the definition or revenue or active user, that can vary significantly depending on which business function needs explainability.
  • The first reflex has been to follow product teams 2, but from my point of view this remains to be seen. Especially because separation of concern is so fundamentally different.
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Last updated on 6/3/2022