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202204281623 - For Media platforms people driven engagement is significantly more critical as opposed to brands/outlet produced content.

  • Shortly after Elon Musk declared his willingness to by Twitter people started to raise issues with the current state of the platform1. On particular being the raised by Dave Rubio about fake (bot-driven given the low tweet-level engagement numbers) follower numbers for big Media Outlets on Twitter2.
  • Sol Messing (at the time working for Twitter) shared a in his thread an explanation that raised particular interest with me. Having worked at a sports media platform myself, that is consciously driven by entities not people.
  • Big media outlets are being recommended as the first entities you should follow on Twitter during the Onboarding. Digital products usually deal with highest degrees of churn at the first steps of customer's lifetime.
  • In addition to that, people (e.g. Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey, etc) actively participate in conversation and debates on Twitter which Media outlets usually do not. So for media outlets the presence of their own journalists on social media is far more important than distributing the content via the brand channel3!
  • With all that said, the limits of a closed platform approach that promises brand safety, less hate speech, is by the choice most likely handicapped building out a deep customer relation.
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Last updated on 6/3/2022